
How Often Should I Discharge My Laptop Battery?

How Often Should I Discharge My Laptop Battery?

Our reliance on laptop computers for access to the great internet is undeniable. We utilize them to accomplish our work and have pleasure from anywhere on the planet. However, whether at home or at work, it’s likely that you constantly keep it plugged in. Stop doing it!

Unplugging your lithium-polymer battery once it has been fully charged will extend its life. In fact, you should turn off the power supply before proceeding.

Isidor Buchmann, CEO of Cadex Electronics, recommends charging batteries to 80 percent and then letting them drain to 40 percent. This can increase the battery’s life by a factor of four in some circumstances. A lithium-polymer battery’s voltage is related to the amount of charge in each of its cells, hence a fully charged battery has a higher voltage. When a cell must store more voltage, it undergoes extra strain. Tension decreases the frequency of discharges. According to estimates, a fully charged battery will only last 300-500 discharge cycles, however, a fully depleted battery will last 1,200-2,000 cycles.

How Often Should I Discharge My Laptop Battery?

A laptop computer’s battery life is typically 1,000 charges. This figure is affected by the manufacturer, battery type, and user habits. It’s also vital to keep in mind that results may deteriorate over time.

There are far too many factors to determine how long a single charge cycle will keep a laptop working. While some laptop batteries can survive for several days, others (especially gaming computers) may barely last four or five hours. Visit the manufacturer’s website to learn how long a fully charged laptop battery will generally last.

Is it dangerous to leave your laptop plugged in all the time?

Conventional wisdom maintained that constantly charging a Windows laptop’s battery would diminish its life. In contrast, Macs are known for their ability to function when always connected to a power source.

Today, regardless of the model, you may securely leave your laptop plugged in at all times. Because the lifespan of a battery reduces with each charge and discharge cycle, it is best to restrict their exposure.

You never have to worry about “overcharging” the battery or laptop because they are both smart enough to know when to stop charging. Your laptop will continue to function normally, except that it will draw power straight from your wall outlet rather than its battery.

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Limit the number of cycles your battery goes through

A laptop battery can survive a maximum number of charge cycles, which is typically around 500 but can be higher. A charge cycle consists of a single discharge to zero percent and a subsequent recharge to one hundred percent. A half cycle is the amount of time it takes for the discharge to drop to 50% and then return to 100%. Because a battery’s capacity steadily diminishes with each charge cycle, the fewer times it is discharged, all else being equal, the longer it will survive.

So, where do you even begin? One way to start is by investigating your laptop’s power choices and being acquainted with the various battery modes accessible to you. Remember to pay attention to the hibernation settings as well. Set your laptop to hibernate when the battery is low and when you know you won’t be using it for an extended period of time.

Additional power savings can be obtained by inspecting and terminating any background processes within your installed apps. In Windows 10, for example, we recommend that you enable the Battery Saver. When your laptop’s battery life falls below around 20%, this option will activate automatically. (More on why this is crucial further down). If you’re running short on power, this will turn off superfluous background apps, stop functions like Calendar’s automatic syncing and push alerts, reduce screen brightness, and more.

To preserve extra battery life on your MacBook, use Power Nap. This allows you to sleep on your Mac without worrying about it missing crucial tasks. When automatic graphics switching is enabled, Macs can save power by automatically switching to a reduced graphics mode when performing simple tasks (like text-based work where visuals aren’t as important).

Is four hours enough time to use a laptop on a single charge?

In this scenario, the answer is provided by your computer. Some computers can function with four-hour battery life, but others cannot. Because the battery on an older laptop has had more recharge cycles, a lifespan of 4 hours is reasonable.

However, this isn’t always the case with new laptops (unless you’re playing games or editing videos), so it’s a good idea to check the manufacturer’s website to ensure your laptop is working properly.

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How Do You Spot a Faulty Laptop Battery?

There are several indicators that your laptop battery is deteriorating. The following is a brief list of potential hazards to be aware of.

The battery in your phone runs out quickly. Have you noticed that you need to charge your laptop more frequently when you use it? This is most likely due to a dead laptop battery. Though it may not be a huge problem right now, it is something to keep an eye on.

The solution is easily accessible on Windows or macOS. The operating systems Windows and macOS will now notify you when it is time to replace the battery. When you connect your laptop to a power source, you’ll receive a notification if the battery needs to be replaced.

Your PC is constantly overheating. If your laptop repeatedly overheats and crashes, the battery may be dying due to internal overheating. Try plugging it into the wall to see if it helps, but be cautious; in certain circumstances, this method has been known to drastically raise battery temperature.


You should always use the most recent version of software to get the most out of your computer. Manufacturer updates frequently include more than just bug fixes and additions; they may also increase program efficiency and battery life. Your battery life could be greatly boosted without any further modifications if a subsequent version to the same operating system utilized significantly less power. Examine the operating system and keep your computer (and its battery) up to date.

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Tarun Verma

Written by Tarun Verma

A serious technical content writer with a view to change the world with my philosophy and ideology and make this planet an even better place to live

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